IT Chair transition
Information Technology Procedure for Handling a Chair Transition
- The outgoing chair should open a case in with the name of the incoming chair, and the date by which the transfer should be effective. The deadline is very important. Also provide information about changes to requesters, as applicable, and all changes in approval chains.
- Check the Procurement Profile on CUNYfirst; details are to be forthcoming. This will show the reporting/approving lines that need to be updated.
- Submit all signed CUNYfirst forms as soon as possible to Greg Vega for procurement and to Sharon Davidson for Campus Solutions (I.e. Class rosters, permissions, queries, etc.). Sharon Davidson will provide the necessary permissions from her master list (I.e. No need to check any boxes on the Campus Solutions form). Greg Vega will copy over the Chair profile for procurement.
- For Travel & Expense Center, provide signed forms to Tiffany Atkinson along with a list of all direct reports (provided by the Provost on chair transition). Purchasing Director will indicate roles on the CUNYfirst form.
- Open a case in to update information on the Department website and to give access to the Content Management System so new chairs can access P&B documents and so information on the department website can be updated. This case will also need to include all new members of the Department P&B if there have been changes. Rafael Nunez manages this process.
- For AEMS and PRAssist, the process operates via Human Resources. Those systems are part of the onboarding process and there is communication between HR, those systems, and the person being onboarded. No forms are required.
The York College Application Security Liaisons page provides information on training, how to report issues, and the requisition’s life cycle.