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Burke, Patricia

Associate Professor


Phone: 718-262-5201
Office Location:

Dr. Burke completed her doctoral degree at Capella University, with a focus on cultural competency of associate degree nurse educators. She began her nursing career at Northwick Park Hospital, School of Nursing, England and obtained her midwifery licensure at Perivale Maternity Hospital, England. She completed the RN to BS from Pace University, NY and a masters degree in Perinatal Nursing, with a certificate as a perinatal nurse practitioner from Columbia University, NY. She has experience teaching in both undergraduate and graduate degree programs, her areas of teaching expertise are Maternal-Child health, Populations at risk and Community nursing, She maintains her certification as an Inpatient Obstetric Nurse and as a Certified Nurse Educator. Dr. Burke has presented nationally and internationally, on the use of interprofessional case studies and simulation to infuse culture in to the curriculum. She is an active member of Sigma Theta Tau International, the National League for Nursing and the North East chapter of the Transcultural Nursing Society.

Office Hours

Monday11 am - 12 noon
Tuesday11 am - 12 noon


PhD. Capella University, Minneapolis, MN Professional Education 2011 
MSN Columbia University, New York, NY Perinatal Nursing with a certificate as a Perinatal Nurse Practitioner 1996 
BS Pace University, New York, NY Nursing 1996 
certificate Perivale Maternity Hospital, Middx, England State Registered Midwife 1986 
certificate Brent & Harrow AHA, Middx., England State Registered Nurse 1982 

Areas of Expertise

  • Maternal Child Health
  • Leadership
  • Community Health
  • Healthcare Disparities

Publications in Field Of Expertise
