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Benedito, Roberto

Benedito, Roberto


History, Philosophy and Anthropology

Phone: 718-262-5286
Office Location: AC-3D04

Roberto M. Benedito is Assistant Professor in the Department of History, Philosophy and Anthropology. He is the Coordinator of the Cultural Diversity Program and Anthropology .  He is a lawyer with a Ph. D. in Anthropology (SUNY at Buffalo).  He is a current member of the Undergraduate Research Advisory Council and the York College Common Reader Committee.  

Benedito's research deals with law, culture and anthropology.  His area specialty is Southeast Asia particulary the Philippines, where worked as a lawyer and human rights advocate.  He has studied law, culture and legal consciousness among indigenous peoples of the Philippines.  He has published articles on the impact of state and international law on indigenous peoples rights specifically their ownership to ancestral land.  A common theme in his research is the significance of cultural practice in law and legal institutions. 



Office Hours

Mondays9-11 AM


PhD University At Buffalo, SUNY at Buffalo Anthropology 1994 
MA University At Buffalo, SUNY at Buffalo Anthropology 1989 
JD College of Law, University of the Philippines Law 1985 

Areas of Expertise

  • Law and Anthropology
  • Human Rights
  • Indigenous Peoples' Rights
  • South East Asia

Publications in Field Of Expertise
