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Schleifer, Stanley

Schleifer, Stanley


Earth and Physical Sciences

Phone: 718-262-2726
Office Location: AC-2F09D

Before becoming chairman of the Dept. of Earth & Physical Sciences, I had been a professional geoscientist for over 40 years. My specialties are in field geology, environmental geology, engineering geology, structural geology and geophysics. Throughout my years at York College, I have 'kept one foot in the working world and one in academia'. Whenever possible, I have let my students become involved in, or at least observe the work I was doing.

Office Hours



PhD CUNY Graduate Center Earth and Environmental Sciences 1996 
MA Brooklyn College Geology  
BS Brooklyn College Geology  

Areas of Expertise

  • Engineering Geology
  • Environmental Science
  • Geophysics
  • Structural Geology
  • Field Geology

Publications in Field Of Expertise
