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York PA Graduate Serves at Vaccination Site

It is a small world indeed. Dr. Jean Phelps, director of Student Activities at York College, CUNY, recently received her COVID vaccination in Brooklyn.

Phelps was impressed with the professionalism and “bedside” manner of the young healthcare expert, who gave her the shot. She soon discovered that Daniel DeMarco, is a graduate of York’s MS in Physician Assistant Studies, Class of 2020.

“I am always talking about York College,” Phelps says. “That’s how I came to find out Mr. DeMarco graduated from York too. He is such a lovely young man, and I was so proud to see him serving our city in his role as a healthcare professional, trained in one of our MS programs.”

As it turns out, DeMarco’s regular job is as a Physician Assistant in pediatrics.

“I was working with Northwell Health and we were vaccinating at Christian Cultural Center, Brooklyn,” he later said. “I am currently employed by Northwell Health in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and General Pediatrics; but was available and willing to pick up extra work at vaccination PODs (Points of Dispensing).”

DeMarco has high praises for his York degree.

“The education I received at York College has played a crucial role in my career development,” he says. “The dedicated, supportive faculty provided my classmates and [me] with the knowledge and skills necessary to become competent, compassionate providers. The PA program faculty insist that their students rotate through competitive clinical sites, further strengthening and reinforcing the quality of the education provided.”

And that is why Dr. Phelps reported back to York as soon as she returned home. She was proud to have received the life-saving vaccine from a York alum and one so skillful and proud of his alma mater.