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Purchasing Department

Internal Controls

The College is required to comply with all CUNY, State, and City Procurement Policies, Guidelines, Laws and Regulations. Internal controls are established and implemented as a measure of checks and balances to ensure proper expenditures of funds and for the detection of errors and irregularities.

1. Authorized Signatures

Signatures - Purchase Requisitions

All purchase requisitions are to be authorized, approved and signed only by persons acting within the scope of that authority. Authorization should be clearly communicated to managers and employees and should include the specific conditions and terms under which authorizations are to be made.

Department signature cards shall be maintained on file in the Purchasing Department for those employees authorized to approve and sign purchase requisitions. The file will be reviewed and updated periodically, (at least once a year) especially when employees leave or new employees are authorized to approve transactions.

Signatures - Purchase Orders and Contracts/Agreements

Only the Purchasing Director or designee (Related Entity signatory where applicable) (or CUNY General Counsel or AG where applicable) is authorized to approve and sign Purchase Orders, Contracts, and Agreements on behalf of the College.

2. Split Ordering

Splitting purchases at any threshold to circumvent the procurement procedures is prohibited. If one department or several departments are purchasing the same or similar items within a reasonable period of time, the Purchasing Department shall make every reasonable effort to combine the purchases to maximize savings. Knowingly treating purchases of similar goods/services as separate orders shall be considered a violation of policy.

3. Purchase Order/Contract Amendments /Modifications

Only the Purchasing Director or designee, in consultation with the originating department, is authorized to amend or modify in any way or form (price, additional services, quantities, etc.) an existing purchase order or contract that was duly executed to a vendor.

4. CUNY and College Standardized Forms and Templates

All CUNY/College standardized forms and templates including Invitation to Bid (ITB), Invitation For Bid (IFB), Request for Proposals (RFP), Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, Independent Contractor Agreements, Performance Agreements, Memorandum of Understanding are to be utilized and all requirements complied with.

5. Bid Process, Contract Debriefing, FOIL Requests

Comply with all CUNY, State and City laws and guidelines pertaining to Invitation to Bid, Invitation For Bid, Request for Proposal, Contract Debriefing, and Freedom of Information Law request (FOIL Request).

6. Segregation of Duties

Only the Purchasing Director and/or designee, except as indicated in item #1 above, are authorized to sign and issue contractual procurement documents on behalf of York College.

Department heads and employees have no direct, apparent or implied authority to contract with vendors on behalf of the College for the delivery of goods and services. 

Someone other than the individual initiating the request should do inspections and verification of goods and services and goods received should be safeguarded and secured.

7. Personal Purchases

College employees must not procure personal purchases in the name of the College.

8. Exemption from New York State and Local Taxes

All College purchases of goods and services are exempt from State and local taxes.  Vendors may obtain tax exemption letter from the Purchasing Department.

Under no circumstances is an employee of the College to claim tax exemption when purchasing goods and services for personal use.