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Support Services and Learning Resources

York College, CUNY offers a host of support services and learning resources to help enhance the academic process of scholars.

Support Services 

The York College Division of Student Development specific services include services through, Center for Students with Disabilities Academic Core Building, Counseling Center, Men’s Center, SEEK Program, TRIO Support Services Program, Tutoring Services, Veterans Affairs Office, and Women’s Center. Details for these support services for students facing various issues or challenges are available at the Student Development website.

Library Support Services

The York College Library provides a broad and current collection of print and electronic materials to support the mission and curriculum of the College’s Social Work Program. Faculty of the Library and the Social Work Departments collaborate to maintain a relevant collection that meets the research needs of students and faculty and prepares students for fieldwork, advanced study, and careers. Overall Library holdings include 240,000 printed books; 38 print periodical subscriptions (including the journal Social Work and five major newspapers); 330,000 e-books, 150 licensed databases, and over 240,000 subscription and open access online journals, newspapers, and popular magazines. York College’s students and faculty have borrowing privileges at all CUNY libraries (except CUNY Law School), whose cumulative print holdings exceed 6.2 million volumes housed in 31 libraries. 

Equipment Technology Support

The York College Library has 170 public service computers, 19 laptops for student use, and an Information Literacy classroom with 30 computers and an instructor’s projector with a microphone. Students also have access to two drop-in computer labs outside the Library, one with 60 computers that are open from Monday-Thursday 9:00am-9:45 pm and Friday and Saturday from 9:00am-4:45 pm, and another with 31 computers that are open from Monday-Friday, 10am-7pm and Saturday from 11am-5pm. The Library has six photocopy machines (two with color printing), eight printers (one color printer), two scanners, and a digital microfilm reader.

Additional information is available at the CUNY Library website.

Writing Resource

Writing Resource resources are available at the Collaborative Learning Center website.