Section York College / City University of New York Header

Music Production Magic



Contact Name

Mark Adams

Contact Phone

(718) 262-2411

NAfME Lecture (National Association for Music Education)

NAfME Lecture (National Association for Music Education)

"Music Production Magic" Featuring Robert Anderson

The computer has unleashed and democratized music production. What was once only possible in a large studio is now easy to do without having to leave your bedroom. Its uses are not limited to electronic music and beat making: even traditional composers and aspiring media stars can benefit from the power of computer-based production tools and techniques.

Come learn more about them, and how to get started.

Robert Anderson is a proud York College graduate. As a recording engineer, he specializes in capturing acoustic music on-location. Whether in the finest concert hall or on a living room couch, he enjoys producing recordings of musicians in their natural environments. He currently teaches Music Production at Queensborough Community College.