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Legal Affairs and Labor Relations

Service of Process

CUNY’s guidelines for service of process, subpoenas, and legal documents outline the proper procedures for serving legal notices to the university. These protocols designate authorized locations and personnel responsible for accepting such documents, ensuring timely handling and compliance with legal requirements. This ensures all legal matters are addressed efficiently and appropriately.

Services of Process

Notice from CUNY’s Office of General Counsel

“Procedure for Acceptance of Service of Process and other Legal Papers (updated March 30, 2021) … Until further notice, CUNY is accepting service of all legal papers that are being personally served on the University, the constituent colleges and units of the University, the CUNY Board of Trustees, current employees of the Central Office of CUNY, the City University Construction Fund, and the CUNY Civil Service Commission, at its main administrative office at 205 E. 42 Street (lobby).   No other Central Office location is authorized to accept service for these entities and individuals.” (Emphasis added)

A subpoena is a legal document that may be issued in connection with a court proceeding. A subpoena may require an individual to give testimony or to produce documents for inspection and/or copying by another party. A subpoena must meet certain requirements before it is legally enforceable. Other legal documents include court orders, notices, and formal complaints.

For Employees: If someone appears with a subpoena and attempts to serve you with it in connection with your work at York, please take the following steps:

  • Explain to the individual that you are not authorized to accept the document.
  • Direct the person to the Office of Legal Affairs and Labor Relations, Room 2H05.
  • If the person does not comply, call our office immediately 718-262-2140. Our office will advise you.
  • If you receive a subpoena or other legal document through the mail, you should mark the date and time of receipt on the envelope, sign your name on the envelope, and have all the documents delivered to the Office of the Office of Legal Affairs and Labor Relations, Room 2H05.

If you have any questions, call us at: 718-262-2140.