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Department of Performing and Fine Arts

Language and Identity: The Latino Mask. A symposium about language in theatre and its impact on an audience.


Milton G. Bassin Performing Arts Center, Little Theatre

Contact Name

Timothy Amrhein

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Focusing on language itself, we explore the idea of bilingualism on-stage. This project also attempts to examine how specific cultural idioms in a Spanish-language play can be conveyed to an English-speaking audience, holding true to the intended meaning of a play as presented in its original language.

Language and Identity: The Latino Mask. A symposium about language in theatre and its impact on an audience.

With panelists: Haydn Díaz, Carmen Rivera Marco Antonio Rodríguez and Cándido Tirado.  Directed and moderated by Timothy J. Amrhein, Associate Professor of Theatre & Chair of the Department of Performing and Fine Arts.

Focusing on language itself, we explore the idea of bilingualism on-stage. This project also attempts to examine how specific cultural idioms in a Spanish-language play can be conveyed to an English-speaking audience, holding true to the intended meaning of a play as presented in its original language. This symposium includes a staged reading of La Luz de Un Cigarrillo (The Light of a Cigarette) by Marco Antonio Rodriguez in both Spanish and English, performed by Francis Madi, Daniel Anthony Hidalgo, Fior Peralta and Katherine Rodriguez. The panel discussion will include a Q&A; session with the audience.

*This project is funded through the CUNY Diversity Projects Development Fund