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Student Activities


Forms for use by student clubs and organizations

Graphics/Printing Services Form

This form will be used by student clubs/organizations to print posters and flyers

Budget Request Form for Student Organization

York College Student Organization Budget Request. Please download the fillable form and then complete.

Club Advisor

Every student club and organization at York College must have a club advisor in order to become certified

Club Information and Membership Roster

York College Student Organization Information Roster. Please download the fillable form and then complete.

Meeting Minutes Form

York College Student Organization Meeting Minutes. Please download the fillable form and then complete.

Sample Model Constitution - YC

Every student club must have a constitution on file in Student Activities. This model is to be used as a guideline for your organization.

Purchase Requisition Form

York College Purchase Requisition

Request For Sponsored Event Form

Request for Sponsored Event Office of Student Activities and Campus Program

Withdrawal Request Form

Form to pay for services.

York Club Signature Card

Please download the fillable form and complete.