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Academic Policies

Policies regarding registration, matriculation, academic progress and status and graduation are explained here.

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York. Penalties for academic dishonesty include academic sanctions, such as failing or otherwise reduced grades, and/or disciplinary sanctions, including suspension or expulsion from the College.

Academic Probation and Retention

Academic Probation and Retention refers to the criteria used to determine whether or not students can return to the college and continue their studies, and under what conditions students are placed on probation.

Procedure for Handling Student Complaints about Faculty Conduct in Formal Academic Settings

The procedure for handling student complaints about faculty conduct in formal academic settings was updated by the Board of Trustees in 2010. The University and its Colleges view academic freedom as being very important, but at the same time want to recognize their responsibility to provide students with a procedure for addressing complaints about faculty treatment of students that are not protected by academic freedom.

Student Complaint Form

This form should be used by students to file a complaint.

Classification and Change of Status

"Classification and Change of Status" refers to information about qualifying for the resident tuition, declaring and changing majors, students' classification and standing and taking leaves of absence.

Graduation Requirements

The purpose of the general education requirements is to contribute to the liberal education of the student. These requirements are flexible and are divided into three broad areas: the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences and mathematics.


Information about enrolling in, withdrawing from, and auditing courses. Policies about attendance, the pass/fail option, and concurrent attendance at another institution are also detailed.