This page provides information for students interested in the services provided in the Collaborative Learning Center.
CLC offers free online and in-person tutoring in room AC-1C18. To meet with a tutor, please login with your York College Network account. This would be the same account you use to log into the computers on campus or the York College Cardinal App. Trouble logging in? Call 718-262-5300 or click this link: Get help.
Free tutoring is also available 24/7 on
What is tutoring?
Philosophy: Students benefit from a student-centered perspective on challenging or confusing course material.
Purpose of tutoring sessions: Students seek answers to their questions and content clarification. They are guided to describe, work with, and address their own personal challenge areas.
Our Student-Centered Philosophy
Our minimalist, student-centered approach to tutoring encourages students to take an active role in all components of the learning process. Student-centered tutoring shifts the responsibilities of performing learning activities from the tutor to the learners. Putting this theory into practice allows students, guided by tutors, to take ownership of their learning and to hone their critical thinking and analytical skills. As such, our session policy reflects this philosophy. Tutoring sessions are either 25-or 50-minutes long. If you would like additional tutoring, you must wait 30 minutes between sessions. We encourage you to use this time between sessions to practice and apply what you have learned in your previous session.
Who are the Collaborative Learning Center Tutors?
The CLC's tutors are York College graduates and current students. Our tutors have had the same professors or have taken some of the same courses you are taking. They are uniquely equipped to help you understand your course assignments and to explain your professor's comments.
Our tutors are high-achieving students recommended by York College's faculty to tutor in the CLC. The CLC's professional development training program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).

What kind of help can I get at the Collaborative Learning Center?
Your writing tutors will work with you on any aspect of writing:
- helping you understand an assignment
- generating ideas for your writing
- finding and documenting source material
- developing and organizing your ideas
- grammar and mechanics
- interpreting Writing or Writing intensive course assignments
- grammar and mechanics (the CLC does NOT offer an editing or proof-reading service. We will NOT do the the work for you. We will provide guidance to help you identify your grammatical mistakes and empower you so can make corrections on your own.)
Your discipline-specific tutor will work with you on:
- explaining complex concepts and principles
- practice using formulas
- working with anatomical models
- pre-exam reviews
- homework (We will NOT do the work for you, but we will assist you with strategies for working on complex problems.)
Note: The tutors are not permitted to work with students on any mid-term or final exams.
Do I have to schedule my tutoring session in advance?
Tutoring sessions can be scheduled at any time. Once you've logged in you can schedule a 25-minute or 50-minute session with the consultant of your choice using the drop down menu. Once you’ve chosen a consultant, you may schedule a tutoring session by clicking on any available white time slot.
What should I bring to a tutoring session?
For help with course assignments, bring the writing assignment or homework, any work you have done so far, specific questions you may have related to your assignment, relevant materials (e.g., your textbook, handouts) and feedback from the professor. You can also attach files to your session, when you schedule a tutoring appointment.
Can I set up regular meetings to work on my writing or my subject area course?
Yes. Students can sign-up for 25-or 50-minute sessions, and can also schedule a regular time each week to meet with a consultant to work on your assignments.