York College Learning Center
York College Learning Center has been servicing New York communities for more than 40 years. At the Learning Center we offer foundational education and training, as well as advisement and referral services that expand opportunities for marginalized adults to achieve increased independence, realize life goals, and become active in civic and workplace responsibilities as individuals, parents, and members of the broader community.
The vision of the York College learning Center (YCLC) is provide quality educational enhancement to all of its participants. We seek to assist everyone who comes into our facility with the necessary tools for advancement in their lives and provide a safe and nurturing environment.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Mision Statement
Our Diversity and Racial Equity mission statement affirms our commitment to promoting and sustaining a work/educational environment where diversity, equity and inclusion are embedded in our organizational DNA. At the YCLC we acknowledge that racism, discrimination, systems of power and other forms of oppression confer privilege and access to resources, lead to inequality and contribute to part that creates persistent disparities. YCLC is engaged in a purposeful journey to uphold and operationalize the values of racial equity, diversity and inclusion within our organization and the communities we serve. We are committed to working toward breaking down oppressive barriers.
Our Impact
NYS DOL: " Equal Opportunity is the Law"