The Student Government Association (SGA) is comprised of student senators elected by the student body to represent your ideas, concerns, issues, and needs. SGA Senators meet, discuss, and act upon critical issues that impact quality of life from an academic and social standpoint. The Senators serve on the York College Faculty/Student Senate, York College Association, York College Auxiliary Enterprises, Technology Fee Committee, and various other committees that affect the campus environment.
Student Government Association
Student leadership is an important part of social and academic life at York College.

The York College Student Government Association (SGA) is comprised of elected student leaders that represent and advocate for the entire student body. These SGA Senators and Officers meet and discuss critical academic and social issues that impact students at large.
Students interested in running for an SGA position must have a minimum GPA of 2.3, with the exception of students interested in running for SGA President, in which case a minimum GPA of 2.75 is required. SGA senators serve on many committees that affect the campus environment, including the York College Faculty/Student Senate, York College Association, Auxiliary Enterprises, and the Curriculum Committee. Members of Student Government also participate in a leadership training conference, where they learn skills and techniques that help them become better leaders.
Need to Know
What is the Student Government Association (SGA) and who are our senators?
Does the Student Government Association have committees that I can join to become involved?
What are some of the initiatives that the Student Government Association plans to propose this year?
What does the Student Government stand for? What is its platform for representation?
How can I be updated about what they are doing this semester? Is the SGA on any social media platforms?
Contact SGA
Use this form to contact SGA on various concerns, suggestions, complaint and /or inquiries.
Student Government is located in Room AC-1G04 of the Academic Core Building.
Phone: 718-262-2888