Student Conduct
Student Conduct promotes a safe and secure community and enforces The City University of New York (CUNY) rules and regulations through civility, integrity, and student learning while treating each student with dignity and respect.

Fulfilling the Mission
Student Conduct fulfills this mission by:
- Promoting a safe and secure community
- Enforcing The City University of New York’s rules and regulations
- Educating students about institutional expectations
- Holding students accountable for their actions
- Intervening effectively where appropriate
- Supporting students during their conduct experiences
Policies and Resources
Student Rights/Code of Conduct
Behavior Intervention Guide/Code of Conduct
Drugs and Alcohol
Title IX/ Misconduct
Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee (FSDC)
Download Assisting Students in Distress Quick Reference Guide
Contact Us
Phone: 718-262-2331
Room: AC-2F01A