The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) has been created to identify, investigate, assess, refer, monitor, and take action in response to behaviors exhibited by York students that may pose a threat to the college community.
Anyone who is concerned about a student and their behavior can make a BIT referral; including students, parents, faculty and staff, and other community members. As a result of a referral to BIT, the BIT will assess the situation and make recommendations for action. Such actions may range from a counseling or academic support referral to removal of the student from the college community by means of the appropriate University process. When appropriate, BIT will refer students, not deemed to be high risk, to campus resources and services that will enable them to remain in good standing at York.
The Behavioral Intervention Team's mission is to:
Balance the individual needs of the student with those of the greater campus community
Provide a structured method for addressing student behaviors that impact the college community and may involve mental health and/or safety issues
Manage each case individually
Initiate appropriate intervention without resorting to punitive measures
Eliminate "fragmented care"
Please know the success of this process hinges on the community's commitment to reporting concerns.
Reportable Behaviors
There are 3 categories of student behavior that BIT addresses:
Self-Injurious behavior/ suicidal ideation or attempt.
Erratic behavior (including online activities) that disrupts the mission and/or normal proceedings of college students, faculty, or staff.
Behavior that may compromise the health and safety of students, staff, faculty, or the general college community.
The following are examples of behaviors that should be reported:
Emotional outbursts (yelling or screaming or anger management issues)
Verbal or written threats of any nature
Intimidating or harassing others including disturbing or threatening phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook postings, etc.
Disruptive behavior on campus (including in classrooms)
Concerns of physical abuse of students including self-mutilation
Concerns of intimate relationship violence, family violence, spousal abuse
Involuntary transportation to the hospital for alcohol and drug use/abuse
Material, written or spoken, in coursework suggesting possibly harming self or others
Written or verbal expressions of suicidal thoughts or actions
Make a Report (BIT)
For All Emergencies, Call Public Safety At 718-262-2222
By Phone
Public Safety at 718-262-2222 or Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs at 718-262-2331. When in doubt, call Public Safety
Important! Behaviors that warrant immediate reporting to Campus Public Safety instead of submitting this form:
Student displays or allegedly is carrying a weapon of any kind
Student threatens harm to self or others (including a written indication of harm or suicide)
Assault of any nature including sexual assault
BIT Referral FAQs
What do I do if I know a student who may need to be referred to the BIT process?
If you feel there is an immediate threat, call Public Safety at 718-262-2222.
To make a referral, click here for the online Incident Referral form. You will be asked for basic information about the student, your contact information (in case the BIT committee has follow-up questions) and for a description of the incident or behaviors that prompted the referral.
Who can make a BIT referral?
Anyone who is concerned about a student and his/her behavior can make an BIT referral; including students, parents, faculty and staff, and other community members.
What if I observe someone's behavior and am concerned about what I see but I am unsure if the individual is a student or I am unable to identify the individual?
BIT will respond to any referral submitted. However, to ensure a timely response to situations involving observed behavior by an unknown individual, it is best to contact Public Safety. If the individual in question turns out to be a student, BIT will respond with a thorough follow-up.
What happens after I make the referral?
BIT will take the information submitted in the referral and assess the situation. All referrals will be kept confidential within BIT.
What happens to the student in the BIT process?
BIT will respond to all referrals in a sensitive manner and assess the situation with particular attention to the student's well being. BIT will design an appropriate plan to respond, depending on the nature of the situation. After the assessment, BIT will make a determination that takes into consideration the student's best interests as well as the best interest of the college community.
How do I know if it is an BIT issue or if it is more appropriately handled by other campus resources?
You do not have to make this determination; BIT will do it for you. The most critical step is that you make the referral at another campus resource is more appropriate, BIT will refer the student and handle the transfer of information in a confidential manner.
Typically, behaviors that pose a possible threat to safety or that cause a significant community disruption qualify as cases for BIT, while students who experience other mental health issues are appropriate referrals to the Counseling Center in AC-1G03.
NOTE: Never promise confidentiality to student(s) during initial referral. Typically, behaviors that pose a possible threat to safety or that cause a significant community disruption qualify as cases for BIT, while students who experience other mental health issues are appropriate referrals to the Counseling Center in AC-1G03.
The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) protocol ensures that critical student behaviors that may be a concern to the campus community are addressed appropriately.
There are 3 categories of student behavior that BIT addresses:
Self-Injurious behavior/ suicidal ideation or attempt.
Erratic behavior (including online activities) that disrupts the mission and/or normal proceedings of college students, faculty, or staff.
Behavior that posses the potential compromise of health and safety of students, staff, faculty, staff or the general college community.
Once a report is made to the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) and confirmed via incident report or email, the BIT will determine a course of action relative to the particulars of each situation. The type of assessment is dependent on the behavior reported. After the assessment, BIT will make a determination that takes into consideration the student's best interest as well as the best interest of the college community
Members of the Behavioral Intervention Team
Dr. Karen Williams, Vice President, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Dr. James Salnave, AVP/Dean of Students, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Charmaine Townsell, Sr. Director of Wellness and Resources
Lieutenant Alexis Roman, Assistant Director, Department of Public Safety
Dr. Azzie Forbes, Ph.D., LMSW
Kim Melendez, LCSW – Director, Counseling Center
Savitrie Rampersaud, Assistant Director of Student Affairs, Ombudsperson
Additional sources of information and referral may come from the following departments & offices:
Center for Students with Disabilities
Veteran's Affairs Student Office
Student Health Services
Instructional Services
Finance and Administration
Academic Departments
CUNY General Counsel
Thank you for reviewing the Behavioral Intervention Team site.
If you have any further questions or have comments, please contact BIT at