Workshop Participants
The Faculty Publication Workshop Participants
Jennette Allen-McCombs, Assistant Professor, Social Work
Project: Decolonizing Theories: Exploring Anti-Racist Perspectives in Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Emily Verla Bovino, Assistant Professor, Performing and Fine Arts
Project: Twenty-Five Percent for Art: The York College Campus Art Collection and Tom Lloyd's Store Front Museum in Jamaica, Queens (1971-1988)
Annu Dahiya, Doctoral Lecturer, History, Philosophy and Anthropology
Project: The Conditions of Emergence: Towards a Dark Feminist Philosophy of The Origins of Life
Julian Dean, Assistant Professor, English
Project: "Transfiguring All That Dread": Postcolonial Tragedy and Irish Drama
Elizabeth Quaye, Assistant Professor, Accounting and Finance
Project: Enhancing the Accounting Pipeline
Todd Simpson, Assistant Professor, Library
Project: Children's Aid Society Archive Project

Jacob Apkarian, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences
Project: An Examination of Bargaining for the Common Good in Higher Education
Lindamichelle Baron, Associate Professor, Teacher Education
Project: Adelaide Sanford: The Road Taken to the Academic Promised Land
David Hornung, Assistant Professor, Social Work
Project: Learning to Transgress: A Narrative Account of Using Engaged Pedagogy in an MSW Classroom
Vincent Alexander Jones II, Assistant Professor, Health and Human Performance
Project: Health Education and Efficacy to Respond to Violence and Other Negative Experiences on Mobile Dating Platforms Among People of Color and Sexual and Gender Minorities
Louis Levinger, Professor, Biology
Project: The Sourdough Microbiome
Tom Marion, Associate Professor, Fine and Performing Arts
Project: Divisions in voice and speech pedagogy and the body's call for unity