Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management


What is a mentee and what are the benefits of becoming one?

A mentee is a student who receives advice, support, and encouragement from a successful upperclassman or faculty/staff member. The benefits from this unique interaction promote students’ academic growth and development.

Benefits of becoming a Mentee • Gain insight into YC campus life • Meet new people and get involved • Receive encouragement and support to stay focused on your studies

What is a mentor and what are the benefits of becoming one?

A mentor is a role model and academically successful upperclassman or faculty/staff member who is knowledgeable about York College and its many resources. Moreover, program mentors are committed to your academic and personal success.

Benefits of becoming a Mentor • Gain leadership and service experience • Establish positive relationships with other faculty, staff, and students • An opportunity to provide training and support to the student community

Mentoring Opportunities

Visit the First-Year Experience Webpage