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Student Affairs and Enrollment Management


What is a mentee and what are the benefits of becoming one?

A mentee is a student who receives advice, support, and encouragement from a successful upperclassman or faculty/staff member. The benefits from this unique interaction promote students’ academic growth and development.

Benefits of becoming a Mentee

  • Gain insight into YC campus life
  • Meet new people and get involved
  • Receive encouragement and support to stay focused on your studies

What is a mentor and what are the benefits of becoming one?

A mentor is a role model and academically successful upperclassman or faculty/staff member who is knowledgeable about York College and its many resources. Moreover, program mentors are committed to your academic and personal success.

Benefits of becoming a Mentor

  • Gain leadership and service experience
  • Establish positive relationships with other faculty, staff, and students
  • An opportunity to provide training and support to the student community

Mentoring Opportunities

Cardinal Collective

The Cardinal Collective pairs first year and transfer students with upper classmen to enhance their college experience. Benefits of having a peer mentor include help with navigating the college experience; help with being connected to relevant resources; and developing necessary skills to persist towards graduation.

Insight- An Academic Coaching Program

Could you benefit from additional guidance? Would you like to become more focused? More organized? Would you like to raise your GPA? Would you like to discuss your major and career options? If your answer to one or more of these questions was yes, then you're invited to join Insight -An Academic Coaching Program. This program is designed for sophomores and juniors; however, if you're a freshman or senior and are interested, you can email

Visit us in the Men's Center, located in room AC-3M02 during our office hours or call (718) 262-3772.

One York Brotherhood- Group Mentoring

One York Brotherhood is a community and safe space for students to discuss academic, socio-emotional and cultural topics that are relevant to their educational growth and personal development.

All are welcome and men of color are highly encouraged to attend. Presented by The York Male Initiative. To learn more about our programs, please visit us in the Men's Center, located in room AC-3M02 during our office hours or call (718) 262-3772.

Percy E. Sutton SEEK Program

Negotiating a large and complex university campus can be challenging for a freshman, but SEEK program students at York College are able to find support through the SEEK peer-mentoring program. The SEEK Mentoring Program provides incoming SEEK students with the opportunity to have a personal connection with experienced and academically successful York upperclassmen who can help guide them through the college environment. Mentors provide encouragement and support to help students develop habits and attitudes that lead to academic and personal success.

Visit York's  Percy E. Sutton SEEK Program page. For questions about the SEEK Program, please call (718) 262-2300.

Visit the First-Year Experience Webpage