Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Fix the Grade Book issues in the migrated Bb course

Tutorials on fixing the weightings for grade columns and categories in the migrated Bb course if you use weighted total to calculate course grades.

Something different from that in Bb

In Bb Grade Center, there is a Weighted Total column where you set up the weighings for the grade calculation. However, in BrS Grade Book, instaed of adding a weighted total colum and set up the weighings there, it is easier to add the weighings directly to the grading categories and grade columns. The Final Calculated Grade column in the Grade Book will calcuate the weighted total based on the weighings you assigned to the grading categories and columns.

After your course is migrated from Bb to BrS, you may notice that the weightings you set up for the "Weighted Total" in Bb Grade Center are not carried over to BrS. To fix this issue, follow the steps below.

Assigning the correct weightings for grade categories and columns

1. Go to the migrated course in BrS. Then click Grades tab on the top navigation bar.

2. Click the "Manage Grades" tab. As you can see in the "Weighted Total" at the bottom of the grid on this page, the weightings for the grade columns and categories you set up in your Bb course are not carried over.

Go to "Manage Grades" page

3. Click Settings on the top right.

4. On the "Personal Display Options" page, click the "Calculation Options" tab. Then, select the radio button for "Weighted" under the "Grading System." Click Save at the bottom.

Click the Calculated Options tab

5. Two pop-up windows appear, one after the other, asking you to confirm the change. Click Yes to both of them.

This box appears first. Click Yes.

Confirm the grade setting change

This box appears after you click Yes for the first box. Click Yes.

confirm the grading system change

6. Click the Grades tab on the top navigation bar and then click "Manage Grades." Now you should see a Weight column is added on the right of the grid. However, the weightings for categories and columns are incorrectly assigned. You may have different names for your grade columns and categories. The illustration of the screenshot below is just an example.

Gradebook columns and categories

7. To correct the weightings, check the checkbox on the top left (as shown in the screenshot below) to select all grade columns and categories. Then click "Bulk Edit."

Bulk edit grade column weights

8. Revise the weighting for each of the grading categories, and columns if it doesn't belong to a category, to the correct percentage.

  • If you use a grade category, modify the weighting for the category to the correct number. The weighting for each of the grade columns belonging to this category can better be modified by editing the grade category on the "Manage Grades" page. See the steps on how to do this in the topic below.
  • If a grade column doesn't belong to any category, you can modify the weighting for the grade column here.

Note: If a grade column belongs to a grade category, the percentage for this grade column is assigned based on your setting for the weighting distribute among all grade columns belonging to this category. For example, if there are two essays in the Assignments category and they are equally weighted, each would be 50% out of the Assignments weighting.

Modify the weights for grade columns and categories

9. After you correct all weightings, click Save at the bottom.

Now the "Final Calculated Grade" at hte bottom of the grid should show 100% on the Weight column and it will calculate the course grade based on the correct weightings.

Revising the weighting distribute among grade columns belonging to a specific category

1. Go to the Grades page in your BrS course. Click "Manage Grades."

2. Click the down arrow next to the name of the category you want to modify and then select Edit. An example is shown in the screenshot below.

3. On the "Edit Category" page, scroll to the middle. You will see a section titled Distribution. Select the one that is set in your syllabus out of the 3 options. If you choose to distribute weight evenly across all items, you can drop 1 or more lowest grades by filling in a number in the appropriate text box.

4. Click "Save and Close" button at the bottom.

Repeat the same steps for other categories when necessary.