Turnitin Assignment Workflow I - LTI 1.3
Tutorials for faculty on how to work with Turnitin LTI 1.3 integration
If you haven't reviewed the features for both LTI 1.3 and V2 workflows, check out the page on the comparison of the two workflows.
With the LTI 1.3 workflow, you can create Turnitin assignment and PeerMark assignment. The latter enables the students to review and provide feedback to their peers' papers. In addition, you can also submit and re-submit papers on students' behalf, see whether students have viewed your feedback.
Creating a Turnitin Assignment via external LTI 1.3 tool
1. Go to the Content in your course. Then, go to a content module where you want to create the Turnitin assignment. It can be an existing page or you can create a new content page called "Turnitin Assignments."
2. On the content page, click Existing Activities. Scroll down to find Turnitin - York College, and click on it.
3. Follow the instructions at Assignment Settings to complete the basic settings. If you want to do peer review of the submitted papers, check the box for Enable PeerMark. Afterwards, complete the settings described in the linked pages in steps 3 and 4 for the paper first. Then complete the settings for the PeerMark following the steps for Creating PeerMark Assignments below this tutorial.
Note, although you can provide instructions here, it is better not to fill in any instruction here as you can only add plain text without formatting. After you create the assignment, do it using Brightspace's Edit Properties in Place. With the latter, you can format the text in your instructions to make them clearer.
4. Follow the instructions at Optional Assignment Settings to select additional settings such as whether to allow students to submit the assignment after the due date, or submit multiple times.
Creating a PeerMark Assignment
Follow the steps in the linked tutorials below to create a PeerMark assignment and set up the criteria for peer review.
- If you want to have structured peer review, that is, you want students to provide feedback based on the same criteria, you should create questions in the PeerMark assignment setup as shown in the linked tutorial below.
- If you want students to comment on any part of the paper whatever they think, you don't need to create questions.
Creating a PeerMark assignment and the criteria for review
If you want to learn more about question library, check out the web page Managing PeerMark questions and libraries
If you want to manually distribute papers to students to review, click the Distribution tab (1). The information in (2) indicates that each student is assigned to review one paper automatically by the system and no manually assigned paper. To assign a specific student to review another specific paper or un-assign a paper, use the plus "+" or minus "-" icon in (3).
Editing an Assignment
Some of the settings can be edited via Turnitin settings while others can be edited via Brightspace item settings. Check out the linked web page below to see where to edit which settings of a Turnitin assignment.
Editing an assignment created as an LTI 1.3 external tool
Submitting or re-submitting an assignment on behalf of a student
You can submit or re-submit an assignment on behalf of a student by following the steps in the linked page below.
Submitting or re-submitting an assignment on behalf of a student
Understanding the similarity score
Click the link below to see what the similarity report tells you, what the scores mean, and some examples.
Understanding the similarity score
Grading Turnitin assignments using Feedback Studio
You can use various tools available in Feedback Studio to comment and provide feedback to students' work. Click the linked tutorials below based on what you want to learn.
- Using grading and commenting tools to annotate the assignment and/or provide a summary feedback in text or audio
- Using rubrics and grading forms
- Using QuickMark to add pre-created comments to assignments and add your own comments to the QuickMark library for future use