Downloading students' grades and work
Downloading the Grade Center and saving it as a spreadsheet on your York College network drive or upload it to CUNY Dropbox, One Drive (Think of FERPA!)
- In the Course Management section of your course page, your home office, go to the "Grade Center" then click the "Full Grade Center".
- On the right of the action bar, click “Work Offline” then "Download."
- Leave every setting as is and click "Submit".
- On the Download Grades screen, click the Download button, and save the file to your York College network drive, or upload it to CUNY Dropbox or One Drive.
To access your York College network drive off-campus, log in to York College VPN.
Student work submitted through the TurnitIn tool
- Click the Turnitin assignment link.
- On the "Assignment Inbox" page, click "Download All" button on the top right.
- Save the files to your York College network drive, or upload them to CUNY Dropbox or One Drive.
To access your York College network drive off-campus, log in to York College VPN.
Student work submitted through the Blackboard Assignments tool
- In the Course Management section of your course page, go to the "Grade Center" then click "Full Grade Center".
- Click on the hidden action button next to an assignment column name and select “Assignment File Download. ”
- Select all users and click on Submit.
- Follow the on-screen instructions and save the file to your York College network drive or upload it to CUNY Dropbox or One Drive.
To access your York College network drive off-campus, log in to York College VPN.
Student exams submitted through the Blackboard Tests tool
- In the course Grade Center, click the down arrow next to the exam grade column name.
- On the pop-up menu, select "Download Results."
- On the "Download Results" page, leave all options as default unless you have specific needs to change.
- At the bottom right, click "Click to download results" button and save the file to your York College network drive or upload it to CUNY Dropbox, or One Drive.
To access your York College network drive off-campus, log in to York College VPN.
Need more help?
CTLET Recommended Bb Roadmap and Workflows
Blackboard for Faculty main page
Center for Teaching, Learning and Educational Technologies (CTLET) home page