Financial Aid Office

Financial Aid Office

Understanding Your Cost of Attendance (COA)

The cost of attendance is the total estimated cost for attending York College as estimated by the City University of New York (CUNY).

Costs that you are expected to incur while pursuing your education include:

  • books and supplies
  • transportation
  • lunch at school
  • personal expenses (such as apparel, entertainment, and medical expenses)
  • room and board (including allowances for food at home, rent/housing costs, cell phone bill)
  • tuition and fees

Detailed information cost of attendance information is available for undergraduate study and graduate study on the CUNY Financial Aid page. On that page you will find total estimated costs of the components listed above as well as:

We encourage and welcome all students to carefully review this information and meet with the dedicated veterans point of contact (POC) to discuss any and all inquiries related to their cost of attendance.