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Information Technology

Wireless Connections

Every wireless device must meet a certain set of requirements in order to connect to York WiFi. In order to ease the transition into the new semester, we strongly suggest that you prepare your Laptop/MAC book/Chrome Book/Tablet/Smart Phone from home before arriving on campus so you will be able to access the York College Wireless Network quickly and easily.

York Wireless Network Access - Android WIFI

How to Configure 802.1X on an Android Device to access York's YCWIFI Wireless Network

York Wireless Network Access - Guest WIFI

York College has two wireless local area networks. One is for all students, faculty, and staff to use and the other is for guests. Here you will find how to gain access to the guest wireless network.

York Wireless Network Access - PC/MAC WIFI

Wireless users with laptops, Macbook etc., will be required to download an agent. As the laptop users try to connect to the wireless LAN the agent will be downloaded automatically.

Wireless connections located in lecture halls, the library, and public areas, broaden access to the College computing facilities and Internet resources and aides in the support of instruction and research. The Wireless Network (WLAN), which uses the most current transmission technology, enables students, faculty, and staff wireless access to Internet resources from their laptops, iOS, Android, and many other wireless devices including wireless desktops.