Department of Nursing

Department of Nursing

Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures of the Department of Nursing


All student-faculty communication should follow this format:

  • Student first discusses issues and concerns with course lecturer and/or clinical instructor
  • If additional information clarification is needed, the student will speak with the designated course coordinator
  • If additional information clarification is needed course coordinator will speak with Program Director and\or Department Chairperson

Clinical Course Requirements

Prior to every semester:

  • CPR (American Heart Association) certification: Students in clinical courses are required to be certified in CPR (adult/child and AED) and provide documentation of this to the Nursing Office prior to registration.
  • Malpractice Insurance: The City University of New York now covers the malpractice for nursing students actively enrolled in clinical courses located at York College approved clinical sites. Please come to the Nursing Office with any questions.
  • Health Clearance: All students in clinical courses are required to have annual health clearance. The York College Medical-Physical and Nursing Student immunization forms must be completed by a physician (signed and stamped by the physician) and uploaded to the website of our new partner CastleBranch Compliance Tracking Solutions for a fee of $65.00. The fee includes the tracking of your compliance with our health requirements ($30.00) and the required 10-panel drug test ($35.00). This is a mandatory requirement for all students. Generic students MUST bring all required documents to the nursing office by the third week of July for fall semesters and RN-BSN students by the fourth week of November for spring semesters. If students do not have health clearance they will not be able to attend clinical courses for that semester.

Please Note: The Department of Nursing requires a specific detailed physical examination that exceeds the college requirements for physical examination and immunizations. These requirements comply with the New York State Department of Health and clinical site regulations and must include immunization titers. Students must be free from addiction to drugs, alcohol, or other behavior-altering substances; able to stand, walk, bend, push, grasp, and lift without restriction; and have normal sight, hearing, and speech (with correction). Required forms

Retention in the Department of Nursing

  • Earn a grade of "C" in all of the pre or co-requisite courses.
  • Earn a minimum of "C+" in all nursing program courses.
  • Students earning less than a "C+" grade in a nursing program course may repeat the course one time and must attain a grade of "C+" or better.
  • Failure of two nursing course with a grade of less than a C+ will result in dismissal from the Nursing Program.
  • Clinical performance is graded as pass/fail. Students must pass both clinical and theory components to pass the course.
  • All students will be required to fulfill York's Writing Intensive course requirements.
  • Students who are dismissed from any nursing program may be eligible to apply for another major in the college.
  • Students have the right to appeal the dismissal decision.


  • Clinical/Campus labs: One clinical or lab absence is permitted in each course. More than one clinical or lab absence will result in a grade of WU (unofficial withdrawal), which is computed as an "F". Students can submit a letter of appeal to the Nursing APR committee in the event of an extraordinary situation. The student must submit proof of the event.
  • Lecture: No absences are permitted. In the event of an absence, it is the student's responsibility to obtain all content covered. More than two lecture absences will result in a grade of WU (unofficial withdrawal), which is computed as an "F". Students can submit a letter of appeal to the Nursing APR committee in the event of an extraordinary situation. The student must submit proof of the event.
  • Any lateness of more than 15 minutes will be calculated as one-half day absence.
  • Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period. The student will be marked absent if he/she is not present when the attendance is taken.
  • All assignments are to be submitted on the due date.
  • All cell phones, pagers etc. must be turned off while in the classroom. Participation in class discussion is essential to achieving the course outcomes. It is expected that each student will engage in critical reading, critical thinking and problem-solving.

Clinical Expectations for all clinical nursing courses

  • Proof of current malpractice insurance, physical exam and health insurance must be submitted to the Nursing Program.
  • Students are expected to arrive on time and be in proper attire.
  • Students may be removed from the nursing program for demonstrating unsafe and /or irresponsible behavior. This includes, but is not limited to, administering medications without clinical instructor present; failure to follow the instructions of the instructor or any situation where patient safety was compromised

Uniform Policy

Uniforms are required for all on-campus labs and clinical experiences

  • Uniform: White uniform with the York College Department of Nursing student patch on the left shoulder, white hosiery/ socks; clean white nursing shoes. All garments worn under the uniform should be white.
  • RN-BS students may wear a white scrub top and black scrub pants when on VNS clinical rotations.
  • RN-BS students will wear a clean white lab coat in N 203 on-campus labs.
  • Grooming should reflect an understanding of professionalism, asepsis, and safety.
  • In keeping with the various agency policies and maintaining student and patient safety:
  • Hair should be pulled back, away from the face and off the shoulders
  • Makeup should be minimal
  • No hanging or dangling jewelry (small post earrings are permitted)
  • Nails should be trimmed with clear/ pale polish; no nail enhancements/extensions
  • Refrain from the use of perfume
  • No hats/ head coverings unless for religious purposes.
  • Tattoos must be covered by clothing.
  • No visible facial piercings; however a waiver may be granted based on religious beliefs upon student request.
  • York College photo identification badge should be visible at all times

Failure to comply with these uniform policies will result in a clinical absence

Academic Integrity

By enrolling in this course, students agree to act with honesty and integrity. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, sabotage, and falsification of records. It is prohibited in The City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. For definitions and an explanation of specific policies, see the College's Academic Integrity Policy. Should the instructor become aware of any suspicious dishonest activity, the instructor is required by College policy to submit a report of suspected academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, damage to lab materials, etc.) to the Department Chair and the Dean of Students office. This report becomes part of your permanent file and may result in serious penalties.

If a student is found guilty of Academic dishonesty and received a penalty, the grade affected by this penalty can not be dropped.

On Campus Laboratory Learning Experience

Generic nursing students are expected to participate in mandatory college laboratories on a weekly basis. Students must pass all skills performance tests to receive a passing grade in the course. Failure to demonstrate competency in selected skills will result in a failing grade for the course, even if the students have a passing grade in the didactic component of the course. Students will have weekly case study/ reflective question assignments that must be brought to the on-campus laboratory each week. On-campus lab practicum is rated as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U).

Clinical Performance

Clinical laboratory learning experiences will include the provision of comprehensive nursing care to multi-cultural client systems in a variety of settings (Ambulatory care, acute in-patient, and long-term care settings). Students are expected to successfully meet the objectives and requirements of both the theory and the clinical laboratory components of the course in order to receive a satisfactory grade for the entire course. Clinical performance is graded as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U).

Weekly concept maps will be expected for each clinical laboratory client encounter. Concept maps will be graded satisfactory or unsatisfactory based on specific written guidelines. A minimum concept map average grade of "C+" is required for a satisfactory clinical grade.

Performance Requirements to be a clinical nursing student:




Physical abilities sufficient to lift 30 pounds, move from room to room, maneuver in small spaces, and navigate stairwells

Motor Skills

Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe and effective nursing care such as calibrating equipment; giving injections, etc.


Auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess health needs such as hear heart and lung sounds; respond to alarms, etc.


Visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment necessary in nursing care such as inspection of patients and equipment.


Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, religious and intellectual backgrounds.

Infection Control / Standard Precautions

Standard Precautions are expected to be implemented by all students in the clinical setting.

  • Exudative lesions, weeping dermatitis, or other possible communicable conditions should be brought to the attention of the clinical instructor prior to giving care.
  • Appropriate barrier precautions should be implemented to prevent skin and mucous-membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids is anticipated.
  • Exposure to blood or body fluids must be reported to the clinical instructor, in a timely manner.


Confidentiality of all information and records related to client care is a patient right in New York State and mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

Students who fail to maintain the patient's right to confidentiality will receive a course grade of F and will not be permitted to return to the clinical site.

No recorders, beepers or cellular phones are permitted in clinical agencies.

Accidents/ Injury/ Incidents During Clinical Experiences

If a student is injured during a clinical agency experience they must be examined and treated in the emergency room and/or by their private physician. Health clearance must be obtained from the Office of Health Services before the student can return to the clinical agency.

Relevant incident reports for the agency and York College must be completed by the faculty and student. Students who have any change in their health status during the semester (due to injury, illness, pregnancy/ childbirth) are required to submit documentation to the Office of Health Services. Students must receive clearance from this Office prior to returning to clinical agency experience.

Course Auditing

The nursing program does not permit auditing of nursing courses.

Student Resources







Child and Family Center


94-12 160th Street Jamaica, NY 11451

Office of Health Services



Information Technology Help Desk 






Academic Advisement



Parking and Public Safety



Collaborative Learning Center




To help students save money on their textbook purchases, CUNY has created a web page and flyer called "How to Save Money on Textbooks." This resource provides links to websites that sell discounted new and used books, eBooks, open-source materials, and rental options.

Clinical Advisement

Consultation with the Nursing faculty is a crucial step when planning one's academic program. Formal advisement is available during the period scheduled by the college. Please refer to the York College Academic Calendar. Appointments can be scheduled through the Department of Nursing secretary. At other times, individual conferences can be scheduled with the Nursing Program faculty. To ensure that your advisor has adequate time to answer your concerns, make an appointment. When you "drop in" for advice, remember that your advisor may have other responsibilities or tasks planned for that hour.

Placement in Clinical course sections varies each semester based on agency availability. Students who are employed in a health care agency cannot be assigned to that agency for clinical classes. Students who have special needs (i.e., work schedule) must submit a request for consideration in writing to the Director of Nursing Programs and\or Chairperson no later than December 15 (for spring placement) and June 15 (for fall placement). Every effort will be made to accommodate the request. However, there are limited clinical agency sites and days available; students may need to make other accommodations.