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Department of Nursing

Nursing Education (MS)

York's Nursing Education program offers students the knowledge, skills, and values essential for the role of the professional nurse educator.

This cohort-based distance education program is full-time and takes 2 years to complete. Courses are offered hybrid online/and or in-person, depending on the type of course.

Mission Statement

The mission of the York College Master’s in Nursing Education program is to offer a solid liberal arts professionally based educational experience that guides students in attaining the knowledge, skills, and values essential for the role of the professional nurse educator. Emphasis will be placed on the facilitators of learning, learner development and socialization, use of assessment and evaluation strategies, leadership, scholarship, evidence practice, curriculum design, teaching and learning strategies, with the ability to educate students of diverse cultural groups within the urban community.


The York College Department of Nursing’s philosophy encompasses the faculty’s beliefs about the concepts of Education, Nursing, Persons, Society, Environment and Health, which provides a framework for the nursing curricula. The department’s mission, philosophy and outcomes are consistent with, and responsive to the York College Vision and Mission statements; the New York State Education Department’s guidelines for nursing program registration; the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Baccalaureate Education; the National League of Nursing’s Scope of Practice for academic nurse educators and Professional Nurse Educator’s (2011), the Quality Safety Education for Nurses’ competencies; the American Nurses’ Association Standards of Practice(2021), the Professional Development Scope and Standards of Practice (2010), and the new ACEN’s Standards and Criteria for Baccalaureate and Master’s degree programs (2023).


Effective November 26, 2024, this nursing program is a candidate for initial accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. This candidacy status expires on November 26, 2026.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)

3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

Candidate Note: Upon granting of initial accreditation by the ACEN Board of Commissioners, the effective date of initial accreditation is the date on which the nursing program was approved by the ACEN as a candidate program that concluded in the Board of Commissioners granting initial accreditation.

Department of Nursing
Science Bldg, Suite 110