Admission / Progression
Admissions/Progression information and requirements for the Teacher Educations Program
Admission Policy
Once a student decides to pursue a Teacher Education program, s/he should make an appointment to meet with an advisor in the Department of Teacher Education (Room 1D12, 718-262-2450). To be eligible for admission to a Teacher Education program, students must meet the following criteria:
Minimum GPA of 3.0
Complete the pre-major block with an average GPA of 3.0:
- English 126 (3 credits)
- Philosophy 202: Major Ideas and Issues in Education (WI) (3 credits)
- Mathematics (3-4 credits) (Childhood Education: Mathematics 271: Topics in Foundational Math. Physical and Health Education PreK-12: Select from Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning requirements specified by the individual major. Secondary Education, 7-12: Select from Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning requirements specified by the individual major)
- Child Development (3 credits) (Childhood Education: Education 280: Child and Adolescent Development for Teachers. Physical Education PreK-12 and Health Education PreK-12: Education 280: Child and Adolescent Development for Teachers. Secondary Education, 7-12: Education 271: Adolescent and Youth Development)
- Education 230: Teaching with Multimedia Technology (2 credits).
- Complete department’s writing workshop
- Complete the Admission Application
- Complete background check and fingerprinting, and receive clearance through the NYC Department of Education
- Students cannot have an INC grade on their transcript at the time of Admissions
- Transfer students must meet the same requirements above
- Receive a passing score on Teaching with Technology e-portfolio (EDU230) and Academic Literacy Assessment (SOC/PHIL 202)
It is recommended that students complete the Premajor Block prior to their 60th credit