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Faculty Resources

Teaching English via Brightspace

On this page you will find resources to support setting up your course Brightspace sites, including Instructional Videos, Suggestions for Class Set-Up, Frequently Asked Questions.

Suggestions for Class Set-Up

  • We recommend that, at the very minimum, you set up a module called "Syllabus" and one called "Assignments." Keep these updated: it's fine if things change from the beginning of the semester, but your Brightspace site should include the most up-to-date version for students' reference.
  • Rather than attaching documents for Assignments, we recommend that you set up your assignments within the Brightspace environment. This will mean more seamless integration with the grade book.
  • Re-use the materials that have been migrated over from Blackboard, but do check them before you make them live for students. There are differences between how things look and how things work between the two systems.
  • Use the email function from the classlist to contact students. At the moment, the announcements come from an no-reply inbox with an obscure name, and students have to check that their notifications are on. Emails will show your name and contact information, and so will be more likely to be seen by students.
    • Please ask students to check that their York email is listed on CUNYfirst and on Brightspace. Otherwise, emails will not get through to them.
  • We recommend that you continue to use zoom for synchronous class meetings and other face-to-face online contact. Brightspace does include a video conference platform, Bongo, but since we know the functionality of zoom meets our pedagogical needs well, we recommend continuing with that platform. Log in using your CUNY login account at
  • We recommend that when using Brightspace's "End Date" function, you use the setting "Restrict Submissions," rather than "Restrict Access," if you don't want items to disappear from students' view. Alternatively, use the "Due Date" function but not the "End Date" function, but be aware that if you do so, submissions will remain open.
  • We suggest that you back your gradebook up in a site other than the live Brightspace environment. CUNY has not yet run Brightspace at scale, so we anticipate some glitches as thousands of courses come online, and we don't want you to lose your grades.

Frequently Asked Questions



What links can I include in my syllabus where students can get BS help/support?

Students can email There are also walk-in hours at AC-4EA1 and AC-4G01, and students can call (718) 262-5219.

Online Live Support Room can be found in the CTLET site in Brightspace. After logging in to Brightspace, look at My Courses > Organizations tab.

How can I get the grade center to show a mix of numeric scores on some items and letter grades on other items? Or must it always show only one or both for each item?

The video here answers this question.

I have lost access to the many rubrics I have labored to create over the years... or do they live somewhere in my courses that transferred? I cannot find any. 

From Wenying: “If the course or organization in Bb has the rubrics and it is migrated to BrS, you should see the rubrics in More > Rubrics, or More > Course Admin > Rubrics from the top navbar. If it is not migrated, you can export the course or org from Bb and import it to your BrS course. When importing, you could choose Rubrics only if you don't need other things.”

Under “Evaluation” when making a topic in Discussions, what does “allow evaluation of individual posts” mean? I need each student who posts and replies in the Discussion topic to earn their own grade but posting and replying have different values…

This means that you can assign a grade to each individual post, yes. As for grading replies, I can’t see a way to do that, unless a reply is a separate topic. 

For Discussion “Topics” and Assignments (essay drafts and revisions) I want to set a deadline but want students to be able to post late if needed, which isn’t an option according to the submission restrictions?

You have three options with the discussion topics. You can make them visible when the due date has passed, but not allow submissions, or you can make them visible and allow submissions, or you can hide them. I suppose the solution to this particular problem is to not include an “End Date” on the right hand menu for the submission restrictions, but include a due date on the main assignment page.

Is Turnitin available in Brightspace (BrS)?

It is. Instructions to set it up can be found here.

I created a TOC module for course readings. Why does it say "11% completed" on my “Texts” icon on the BS homepage?

There is a setting that allows you to remove the completion tracker for everything. Each “module” also has the option to include a completion tracker, so you can, say, put it on for Assignments but not for your reading list. Here’s the video.

How do I make my assignments - for essay revisions - a letter grade NOT numeric?

Go to the Grades area, and on the title of the assignment, click on the little down arrowhead. Then click “Edit.” If you scroll down you will see an area called “Grade Scheme.” You can then scroll down in the menu to “York College Letter” and choose that. That will assign letter grades to that assignment. To see how it looks, here’s a video.

How do I set assignment drafts to appear as complete/incomplete in grade center without value attached to it?

Set the grade value for the assignment at 1. Students earn a 1 if it’s complete, and 0 if incomplete. 

What is an Intelligent Agent?

It’s the means to set up automated processes. There will be no further support for Intelligent Agent use via the English Department. Let the inevitable joke ensue.

Instructional Videos

Uploading Materials to Brightspace

Toggling Between Instructor and Learner View

Turning Completion Tracker On/Off and Switching Between Letter Grades and Scores

Making your course active and editing the course overview

Creating an Attendance Register

Changing the appearance of your homepage