York College Web Services and Business Intelligence Department develops and maintains state-of-the-art web content and application platforms to support the College’s communications plan, improve operational efficiency, and promote awareness and engagement throughout the college community.
Practices and Guidelines
This document provides information pertaining to York College website development and is directed primarily to units that want to create their presence on the web.
York College has implemented Plone, a Portal/Content Management System (CMS) that college units can use to develop and maintain their web pages. The purpose of York Portal/CMS is:
To provide a consistent visual appearance to the Web Site.
To simplify the use of the Web Site.
To simplify the development of pages for the Web Site.
To avoid duplication and inaccuracy of information of the Web Site and its subsites.
To comply with current web and accessibility standards.
Policy Considerations
Policies Adherence
Information providers must comply with official York College/CUNY Policies and related institutional documentation, including the Security Policies & Procedures. The use of any external systems must be approved by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and comply with the Acceptable Use of University Data in the Cloud policy.
Information providers must also abide by applicable provincial and federal laws.
Logo Usage and Visual standards
The theme/design of the York website/CMS is centralized; CMS members do not have access to modify the site theme.
Non-CMS sites must refer to the York College Visual standards manual prepared by the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Content Considerations
York Portal/CMS members should provide websites that facilitate information access by the broadest possible range of web users. Content must comply with current web and accessibility standards. The Web Team checks all CMS content for compliance with NYS Statewide Technology Policy P08-005, section 508, WAI, and XHTML.
Content and Design
York Portal/CMS members should provide websites that support York College goals and objectives.
York Portal/CMS members should consider the goals and objectives of their units prior to providing links to external organizations and may wish to contact the organization regarding preferred link locations.
York Portal/CMS members should use dynamic documents (event, news, etc.) whenever possible for time sensitive material.
To avoid duplication and inaccuracy of information, York Portal/CMS members should use dynamic documents (ex. alias) or link to official institutional pages whenever possible. If the link is located outside the current area it must be classified as a related area and link from the related area's portlet.
York Portal/CMS members may contact the webmaster regarding special design needs, custom/additional applications or other dynamic page templates.
Department/Office/Unit heads and/or designated web coordinators are responsible for ensuring their website content is accurate and up to date.
York website/CMS uses a versioning system to ensure an approved version document is available while it is revised.
The use of dynamic documents is highly recommended to promote pages that are always up to date.
Technical Considerations
Allocation for Institutional Websites
College units (academic and administrative) must be hosted in York's CMS. No other system/or website can be considered or promoted as the official website for the college units.
College projects are eligible for space within the allocation provided to units coordinating the initiatives.
Anybody using York e-portfolio/Student Blogs, CUNY Commons, web.york.cuny.edu or any other system as the unit website. will be warm, block and/or banned from using theses system.
Allocation for Faculty/Staff Websites
Faculty members are responsible for updating their online profile/CV located in the CMS, this information is visible in different ways/places throughout the website and is the only and official source of information for faculty listing, profiles, CV as well as part of the PandB process.
Members of the campus community are eligible for personal web space on non-CMS servers, including but not limited to web.york.cuny.edu.
Faculty, Staff, and Administrators can upload content intended for publication on their folder within the CMS. The content of these members pages do not constitute, nor are they intended to convey any official York College information. The content and opinions expressed on these Member pages are strictly and exclusively those of the page author. Comments and reactions to these pages should be directed to the page authors directly. York College accepts no responsibility for the content of any member personal page. Submitted Content is subject to review.
Allocation for Student Websites
York Students are eligible for personal web space on non-CMS servers, including but not limited to students.york.cuny.edu.
The student server provides York students an opportunity to do database design, practice programming in C++, Java, Perl, and PHP, create individual student's own web pages and much more.
York Students are eligible for personal web space on York e-Portfolio/Student Blogs website, where they can create their blogs and e-portfolio material.
Allocation for Affiliated Websites
Affiliated organizations may be granted space if they are non-profit, educational or research-based and if they have a formal relationship with the York College. This space may or may not be located on the CMS server.
An office or department may allocate a portion of its space to an affiliated organization and assume responsibility for this information.
Web Accounts York Portal/CMS and web.york.cuny.edu use the York College Active Directory account to authenticate users, please refer to the York College computing policy for more information.
Permission to modify and/or approve content for publication in the CMS is granted to faculty/staff and head of department/office respectively. You may request permission to modify content in your area by sending an email from your official York college Email (Faculty or staff) to the help desk. the head of the department/office will be contacted for final approval. reviewer (head of department/office) is responsible for the content they approve and to whom they share permission.
York Portal/CMS members may access the CMS by HTTPS only. Other college servers may be accessed via sFTP and/or SSH.