Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Research and Teaching Involving Animals

The York College Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), oversees all aspects of proper animal care and use.

Responsibilities of the IACUC include the inspection of laboratories and facilities where animals are held or used. Typically, it involves animals such as frogs, mice and rats used in biology classes.

Federal and New York state regulations require the humane treatment of live animals used in research and educational activities. Therefore, the IACUC must approve all work conducted by York College faculty, staff, and students using live animals.

No use of animals can begin without the written approval of the IACUC. All individuals working with animals (except students in registered classes) must have animal handling training approved by the IACUC to work with live animals.

Reporting concerns about animal care and use

Investigating concerns about animal care and use is a vital function of the IACUC. York College has a strict policy prohibiting discrimination or reprisal against anyone for reporting concerns. If you choose to report, your identity will be protected.

Animal Concern Report Form

Make anonymous reports Concerning the care and use of animals to the York College Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Indicate the times, dates, places, and procedures of concern. The more specific information provided, the more effective is the IACUC evaluation.

Concerns about facility Issues

If you have any concerns about a facility issue (hot animal rooms, floods, etc.) after 5:00 pm, on weekends, or holidays call Campus Facilities Services at 718-262-2209 and report the problem immediately.